Dear Associate Editors, Members of the Editorial Board, contributors, colleagues and friends.
am glad to tell you that Dr. Thomas J. Mariani, distinguished member of
the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cell and Molecular
Physiology editorial board will be chairing the Lung Development, Injury
and Repair Gordon Research conference next year (see below).
This is an outstanding conference and I would urge everybody, especially
our younger colleagues, to attend. You will
hear some great science and network with outstanding scientists. The
list of speakers and topics will be published soon.
I did a quick search on PubMed using the terms Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. AND
(Lung Development) AND (2012 OR 2013 OR 2014). I was gratified to find 153 outstanding articles including the seminal review by
our esteemed associate editor, Dr. Rory Morty (
Please consider submitting manuscripts on lung development to AJP-Lung. They will be assigned to Dr. Rory Morty and the reviews
will be quick, fair and helpful. Remember, we are the top rated basic science pulmonary journal based on the h-index (
With best regards and many thanks
Sadis Matalon